COYYA Support

For Parishes, Schools, Communities and Youth Ministry Leaders.

Ministry with young people is the work of the whole community. COYYA offers a wide variety of services at no cost to support schools, parishes, communities and youth ministry leaders. Scroll down to view Youth Ministry Leader Support.

COYYA Visits and Catch-Ups

Whether you just want to catch-up over coffee or invite a team member to one of your youth events, we’re here for you - even if it’s just to stack chairs! Contact COYYA today to set up a visit!

Consultations and Assessments

Has your ministry been running successfully for years? Are you looking to change things up? Maybe you’re just thinking about starting a new ministry for young people? COYYA can help you assess the needs of young people in your community and create a plan for the best youth ministry possible. Contact Julian Nguyen to discuss a consultation to assessment.

Community Formation for Youth Ministry

We can help your whole community take hold of its role as ministers for young people. We can develop a plan with your parish, school staff, or community leaders to explore the essentials of Catholic youth ministry. Contact COYYA to discuss whole community formation for youth ministry.

Presentations and Talks

The COYYA team members are excellent communicators to both youth and adult audiences. Invite a COYYA team member to speak to your young people about a faith-related topic, or invite us to present on young people or youth ministry to your adult group. Contact us for a list of our prepared topics, or challenge us with something new! Contact COYYA to see a list of current talks and presentations.


Support for

Youth and young adult ministry leaders

Youth ministry leaders, whether paid, volunteer, newbies or veterans, all need support and ongoing formation in order to provide the best ministry possible to young people.

COYYA offers ongoing formation opportunities for individuals, communities, schools, parishes and other groups throughout the year.


Formation and Training

New Horizons: Youth Ministry Leaders’ Conference

New Horizons is a conference for all people involved in leading youth ministry in schools, parishes, communities and movements as a professional, peer or volunteer (youth ministers, teachers, youth group leaders, APRIMs, pastoral associates, parents, clergy). The conference provides training, formation, resources, and networking for youth ministry leaders in every sector of the Archdiocese.

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Support and Collaboration

Youth Ministry Networks

COYYA has established a series of Youth Ministry Networks to support youth ministry leaders based on deanery locations and ministries of similar contexts. This year deaneries are invited to put forward 1 to 4 individuals who will serve as their youth ministry representative to COYYA and the archdiocese. The role of the Youth Ministry Representatives will be to connect with youth ministries and leaders in their own deaneries, to organise and facilitate deanery youth ministry network gatherings, and to connect with COYYA .

Email Juliana Kittel to find out more.


Diocesan Leadership Opportunities

Youth and young adult ministry leaders in parishes, schools and communities are given opportunities to provide leadership for archdiocesan events, projects, and consultation. For more information on how to get involved at this level, contact Julian Nguyen.


for Youth and Young Adult Ministry

Find resources for starting, supporting and enhancing youth and young adult ministry in your context.