Episode 5 - Top tips for school youth ministry with Cara McGlaughlin
In episode number 5 we hear from Cara McGlaughlin, former school youth minister and team member of Marist Youth Ministry Australia to learn from her extensive experience working in school youth ministry. Whether you’re just starting out in youth ministry or you’re a veteran youth minister, this conversation will give you plenty of inspiration heading into the new school year.
Cara’s top tips for school youth ministry:
- Find what works for you!
- Relationships first and foremost – people over programs. - Talk to people and build connections!
- Transparency is key to building trust and relationships. - Expect the interruptions and see them as an invitation to connect with others.
- You’ve been called to youth ministry for a reason and have something special to the table. Have the desire and motivation to find out what you have to bring to the table and offer that.
- Trust in yourself and your ability because you are in the role for a reason.
- Rely on those around you and ask for help when you need it.
- Whenever you need a boost of motivation remind yourself why you started youth ministry.
- Have fun!