Modes of Ministry
There’s no one way of engaging in ministry with young people in the Catholic Church. In fact, there are probably as many ways of ministering as there are ‘ministers’ and those with whom we minister. That is to say, ministry reflects the needs of the individual in the community and the gifts of the minister.
Mapping Your Way in Ministry
I recently made a confession to a group of youth ministry leaders, and I share it with you if you promise not to make fun of me. I love maps. I always have, and I think they have something to teach us about planning for ministry with young people.
Youth and Young Adult Ministry Leaders Seek New Horizons
On February 26 and 27 over 60 people gathered at St. Mary’s College in Adelaide for the annual youth ministry leaders’ conference, New Horizons. Organised by the Catholic Office for Youth and Young Adults (COYYA) , New Horizons provides formation, planning, networking and training opportunities for leaders of ministries for young people including youth ministers, parish youth leaders, youth movement new ecclesial community leaders, social justice coordinators, APRIMs/RECs, teachers, parents, parish workers and clergy.
What is Youth Ministry?
In my role as Coordinator of the Catholic Office for Youth and Young Adults I am often a guest at Parish Pastoral Council meetings, school boards, and many faith groups and diocesan agencies. I am usually there to listen and offer advice on pastoral ministry with young people. Inevitably someone in the meeting will ask a question like, “Where are the young people anyway? How do we get them to come back to church?” Or if they are a really despairing individual, they will say, “We’ve already tried youth ministry, it’s a lost cause. We need to focus our attention and resources on those who show up on Sundays.” Both responses are completely legitimate reactions to the absence of young people from Sunday worship, but they are misinformed.